Over the years, I have collected an array of “old sayings” – short but pithy comments on various aspects of life and relationships. Here are some of my favorites.

 “If I can prove I’m right, I make things worse!”  (About marital disagreements)

 “It is better to be unhappy (or, lonely) single than unhappy married.”

 “Men prefer women, boys prefer girls”

(relevant for middle-aged men who leave a viable marriage for a younger woman)

 “It is always easier to make things worse than to make things better.”(An admonition for humility.)

 “Most of all, I want to be loved.  If I cannot be loved, I will at least try to be admired and respected.  If I cannot even be admired and respected, I WILL make myself feared.” (A principle many men seem to live by.)

 “If I’m in a situation where I think I should say something, but where in reality, there is nothing that can be said (such as in the presence of a grieving friend), I’ll probably say something stupid.”

 “Never attribute to malice something that mighty simply be accidental to stupid.”

 “It is better to be forgiven than to defend my innocence.”

 “My world should be neither too small or too large, neither too demanding nor too indifferent. It should be a world in which I can be:

·    significant but not dominant,

·    limited but not overwhelmed,

·    helpful but not overly responsible,

·    loved but not worshiped.”

 “. . . . . to enjoy you for what you are, and to forgive you for what you are not.” (From a contemporary wedding service.)


A CELEBRATION OF LIFE:   A Ceremony for one approaching death


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