I ran across this many yeas ago and liked it. If you know who wrote it, please let me know so I can give proper credit the next time I use it.
First, the bad news:
1. Life isn’t fair.
2. The question isn’t, “Why me?” It’s “Why not me?”
3. No matter how nice and charming and smart and lovable you are, not everyone is going to approve of you, or love you, or even like you.
4. From time to time, it will rain on your parade.
5. Every now and then, no matter how careful you try to be, you are bound to do something unbelievably stupid.
Next, the good news:
1. Unless you hang around with really mean people, no one but you will remember the dumb things you have done.
2. You do not have to have an opinion about everything.
3. Virtually all of the bad stuff in life is survivable. A lot of it is even eventually useful..
4. Although you’re not nearly as wonderful as you hoped, you’re also not nearly as terrible as you feared.
5. I’ve never met a grown-up who, given the choice, would choose to go back to being a kid.