A woman once told a dear friend about a very personal and painful incident in her life. To her horror, she later discovered that this friend had told someone else about this humiliating experience.
She had trusted this friend to honor her confidence, and felt quite betrayed. She couldn’t confront the friend, because that would betray the confidence of the person who had told her. She didn’t want simply to end the friendship, for there were many things about it that she valued and enjoyed.
I told her that when I lived in south Florida, I spent many happy hours in the hardwood forests of the Everglades – small island-like areas of land slightly higher than the surrounding swamp. Beautiful and interesting wildlife was abundant: orchids, bromeliads, butterflies, tree frogs, and even brightly colored snails that live in trees –and rattlesnakes.
I wasn’t angry at the rattlesnakes for being there. This was their home, and if I was going to visit, I would inevitably encounter them.
But I didn’t go barefoot! I wore fiberglass snake leggings and leather inserts in my shoes. And I watched where I stepped. With these simple precautions, I could give myself to enjoying the beauty and fascination of the area [I actually felt safer there than in downtown Miami!]
A week or so later, my friend told me she had had lunch with this other friend. She remembered to wear “snake leggings, ” and had a very nice time.