Welcome to the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
3099 Chapel Hill Road
Douglasville, GA 30135
The Reverend Jamie Witt, Pastor
Please note our online giving site has changed. If you have given prior to 8/18/22, you will need to re-enter your information. Thank you and we apologize for any inconvenience.
Worship with us Sundays at 9:30 am
Please see our Facebook Page for live streaming of our services.
You can also view our services online at our YouTube channel.

Who is welcome at Good Shepherd?
Lutherans believe that every child is created in the image of God and is to be welcomed and included in the work of the kingdom just the way they are. We proclaim the promise of our Lord who said in Matthew: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” In God’s house, everyone is welcome without exception.
Whoever you are, however you are, just as you are, you are welcome at Good Shepherd.

Who are we?
Good Shepherd is a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). We are the largest gathering if Lutherans in North America. In 1991, the ELCA called Pastor Mike Bovingdon to come to Douglasville and work to plant a congregation here. In 1992, Good Shepherd began worship at the Recreation Club in Arbor Station. We began building at our current location on Chapel Hill Road in 1997.
What is the Lutheran Church?
Lutherans are the oldest and largest Protestant denomination in the world. We began during the reformation and through the leadership of Martin Luther as he sought to reform the Roman Catholic church around a Biblical understanding of God’s grace. Our salvation and our membership in the family of God are a gift through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are saved by the grace of God and not our own works.
What do Lutherans Believe about the Bible?
The Scriptures are the “sole rule and norm for life and faith.” We believe the Word of God is a living word shared in and through the scriptures and our life. Our worship and understanding of ourselves and the world is found in God’s Holy word. It is a grace and mercy to each of us.
How We Serve
We are deeply committed to care for those in our community who struggle. Through our Daily Bread Ministry program, we provide food, tents, provision, etc., for those who have no shelter of who are under-housed and served. Our Daily Bread Ministry delivers food and supplies every Tuesday to the marginalized in our community and average giving away 1-2 tons of food every month. We also support a Christmas distribution of toys to every child in need in Douglas County through Operation Christmas, and participate in the Atlanta Hunger Walk/Run, and in various community pantries and assistance ministries, Souper Bowl Sunday, and individual assistance through the congregation. In addition, we sponsor a Boy Scout and a Girl Scout troop, who both meet at our church, and allow the church building to be used as a polling place.